We were disappointed to hear that yet another BIG Canadian grocery chain has decided to jump on the Chinese New Year bandwagon and sell canned shark fin soup.
Please use the contact info below to tell them you do NOT want your grocery chain selling any sort of shark product.
What can you do if they do not agree to remove shark products?
- Sell your Loblaws stock immediately
- Write letters to the following:
shareholders@loblaw.ca - call Galen Weston's corporate office: (416) 922-2500
Below is the letter Oceanic Defence sent to Loblaws.
Open Letter to Loblaws:
It has come to our attention that Loblaws & Canadian Superstores will be carrying Shark Fin Soup in time for the Chinese New Year
We at Oceanic Defence urge you to reconsider the selling of any shark product; canned frozen or fresh. The selling of shark products is a direct contribution to the destruction of our own ecosystems.
Shark fining is a barbaric act where sharks are hauled aboard ships and have their fins brutally hacked off and then thrown back into the sea alive where they sink to the bottom and die in agonizing pain.
By selling this product in your stores you are showing a blatant disregard for not only the environment but the species as a whole. Sharks play a crucial part of the aquatic food chain, they keep other populations regulated and also play a direct part in the air we breathe. With populations down some 90+% we cannot afford to lose another shark to this shameful practice. Our own lives depend on them.
Oceanic Defence sponsor’s a website used to showcase businesses that ignore environmental concerns and deal in the endangered shark trade. Unfortunately Loblaws has already made it to the Offenders page: http://www.sharkmurder.com/offenders.htm#loblaws
Please remove any and ALL shark products from your stores including all soups, steaks and other shark related products.
We are here to work with you and look forward to assisting you through this transition.
With respect,
Jeff Shaw
Jeff Shaw - Founder
Oceanic Defence
Activation through Education