Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Craig Clasen - A Picture is Worth a 1000 Words

Have you ever heard that expression a picture is worth a 1000 words. Well we thought we would supply you with two sources - both from Clasen and his roving band of shark hunters.

1) a quote directly from Clasen's mouth. 2) the photo they took shortly after brutally killing the Tiger Shark.

Read the quote above, read it again. Now look at Clasen's eyes and notice the remorseful smile. Do you see the "remorse" he professes to the media? Neither do we. Looks like one frame away from chest thumping to this editor.

We'll continue to expose this shame and push for publicity.

Shame on all involved.

Over the coming days we will speak to shark behaviorists and prove that this event was completely premeditated or at the very least opportunistic.

One other point. After being "so devastated" by the events leading up to the death of the shark the men report that they then filleted the shark and ate it shisimi style.


  1. Look how remorseful he looks, just another idiot wanting to have his picture taken with a shark, look what I killed, Great White Hunter that I am,(I know its a Tiger shark) complete idiot. We may never know the full story behind this, but he could have just got out of the water and gone on his way.

  2. I think he should buy a house with Vic Hislop... both are shark killers and anti the beauty of sharks and the ocean.
